Monday, May 29, 2017

Never forget!

In the United States, today is a federal holiday known as Memorial Day. It is the day our country remembers and honors those in the armed forces that have died serving our country. This is not to be confused with Veterans Day that celebrates all veterans that have served in our country's armed forces. Without those men fighting and giving up their lives, our country would not be the same. 

Unfortunately, some people just look at this day is another federal holiday. People use their day off in different ways. Some get together and have barbecues, some head to the beach, and others sleep late. There is nothing wrong with any of these, but never forget why we have the opportunity to do those things. 

This is a holiday where traditionally we decorate the graves of the deceased soldiers. We fly our flags at half-staff until noon when it rises to the top of the flagpole again. The is a concert that takes place at the US Capitol, and across the country, many cities and towns hold Memorial Day Parades. 

We often say things in life like we will never forget, but as time passes on the memories began to fade. Even Jesus told his disciples at the last supper to do this in memory of me. Shortly after, Peter denied he even knew Jesus. 

The busier our lives become, the harder it is for us to remember. We began focusing on other things. Our focus on the important matters began to blur, and we only see what we want to see. Without Jesus, Christians would never know the freedom they have. Without the armed forces, Americans would not know the freedoms they have now.  

On September 11, 2011, terrorists attacked America including the twin towers. We claimed we would never forget. The country came together to make a stand. Since then, we let division become the norm. We seem to have forgotten that "United We Stand". 

Let us get back to the basics and remember those that have died serving our country. It took people to fight The American Revolution, The War of 1812, The Civil War, The World Wars and many other wars and many lives have been lost.
Look at what you have now. The freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, and the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness all cost something. Remember the cost. It cost many lives, and the men and women who paid that price for us deserve for us to honor and remember them. 

We often take these things for granted. However, I return to my original point. "Never Forget!"

Monday, May 22, 2017

Drinking from the Hose

There are many things I see when I drive through my neighborhood. There are always people jogging, walking their dogs, or selling lemonade on the street corner. However, last week I saw two young boys drinking from the garden hose. Of all the things that would bring back memories, it was this. 

I remember when my dad worked outside in the heat; he would always go drink water from the hose. I followed his example when I would play outdoors. My friends and I would all drink from the hose while playing outside. 

It seems like those were simpler times. We were not too good to drink from the hose. We did not require bottled water. We were not scared of what may be in the water coming from the pipes. It must not have been too bad. My dad did it and lived to be ninety. I did it, and at 50, I am still not on any medications. 

We went to the library or used encyclopedias to do research. Today, information is at our fingertips. It is surprising that libraries and bookstores still exist. I hope they never disappear. Technology makes things easier unless it puts you out of a job, which seems to happen more every day.  

My parents scolded me for not calling when I was out later than expected. People always wished that they could contact others instantly. With cell phones, it is almost impossible to hide. The busyness of life makes turning the phone off almost impractical. 

People always want to make things easier. When something new comes around, we must have it. Then after we have had it a while, we complain that life used to be much simpler. 

Someone came into the store the other day and asked for an atlas. Growing up, map reading was necessary for travel. Now we put our trust in the GPS. My GPS has taken me for some interesting turns and sometimes brought me to the wrong place. 

Someone else came to ask a question about a house phone. The other employee asked if I could assist because he had never had one and did not know how they worked. Am I that much of a dinosaur? 

King Solomon wrote, "There is no new thing under the sun”. While the inventions may be new, the motivation remains the same. Let us make things easier. The other thing that remains the same is we find reasons to complain about the new inventions. The book of Philippians tells us to do all things without complaining and disputing. 

How nice would it be with no one complaining? Let us strive for contentment. There are things that need changing. We can implement change without complaining. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

Coffee with Chunky Creamer

Last week, I was in the break room at work and poured myself a cup of coffee. I was looking forward to this cup of coffee. As I have said in a previous blog post, I like coffee. I enjoy the taste. I do not use sugar except for what is in the creamer already.

I opened the refrigerator that had several creamers from which to choose. I usually go with the original, but today I would try something different. As I poured the creamer into my coffee, chunky creamer fell into my cup.

Correct me if I am wrong, but creamer should never have chunks.

Of course, I did not attempt to drink the chunky-creamed coffee. I quickly poured it out, rinsed my cup, and poured myself another cup with the original creamer without chunks.

There have been times when preparing something to eat where I opened a needed ingredient to find out that it was no longer good. Frustrated and disappointed, I had to go to the store or find another unspoiled pack of the same thing to continue.

It does not take much to spoil a good thing.

It is like watching a movie, but the person behind you keeps talking or having one last chapter to read and someone tells you how the story ends.

When we view ourselves, we mostly consider ourselves as good. Sometimes we pour things into our lives that may seem okay at first, but eventually spoils. You may tell the facts about something, but the attitude behind it makes you a gossip. Your cream has become chunky.

I have heard how someone’s idiosyncrasies attracted him or her to another person. After being with them for a time, those same idiosyncrasies are what they complained about the most. It is like good creamer that has spoiled.

Maybe it is the time that we let some of our old habits die. Maybe the phrase “It is who I am” not be an excuse anymore. Let us try to improve. Let us enjoy one another’s company. Let us live our lives while getting rid of the trash inside. We all have some. We just do not like to hear it.

Whatever the chunky cream is in your life, throw it out and replace it with something fresh. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday Morning

Seems like every Monday morning people needed more sleep. The first thought I usually have is wondering if there is a time to nap today. Sometimes, I can get one during my lunch break, but normally I began to wake up and do not need it.  Many people feel like they are useless on Mondays.

If only I went to bed at my normal time rather than my “weekend” time. It is not like my weekend bedtime is much later, but it is just not my norm. Some people think that normal is overrated. I am not known for being normal, but I like my schedule to remain as normal as possible.

Today has been anything but normal. I arrived at work and was told I was needed at another office today. This throws my normal into chaos. First, I no longer have access to the building to which I am reporting. Nor do I have access to any of the material that I will need. When they changed security cards, since I no longer worked here, I was locked out.

Of course, I will also be here alone for most of the day. That part I can handle until I need to get into a locked room.

Life can take us on strange twists and turns. Sometimes we are able to adjust quickly. Other times it appears our hands and feet are tied together and are given an impossible task.

However, I do not believe that anything is impossible. This is not because of my ability, but because of the great God I serve. He enables me to get through impossible situations. We all experience at least a few in our lifetimes.

The problem we often face is that we focus on the problem rather than a solution. I trust that everything will work out.

Perspective helps no matter how bad things appear. Today is Monday. My shift will end, and my Monday blues will be over. The end of the day always comes around. Maybe tomorrow will be normal. Maybe I will have another unexpected turn. Life is full of adventure. Some I enjoy. Others I prefer to avoid. Life goes on. Trouble is not the end of the world. You keep on going.

Focus on what you can do. Get help from others for those you cannot. Life does not end today. Even though on Mondays, it may seem like it.



Monday, May 1, 2017

Morning Coffee

I like coffee. It does not keep me awake at night, nor does it wake me up in the morning. I just like the taste.

There is a variety of coffees on the market today. I know some people that prefer dark coffees and espresso. Some like a very light roast that looks like colored water. I cannot drink weak coffee. I like a medium-dark roast. Currently, I am drinking a cup of Ethiopian coffee, which I consider delicious.

My grandfather drank his coffee with no sugar and no cream. I have tried it his way, but I do not really enjoy it. I put one tablespoon of Italian Sweet Cream in my coffee. That is all. There is enough sugar in the creamer to meet my palate’s need.

I have seen people put so much cream and sugar in their coffee; they are drinking cream and sugar with a mild hint of coffee flavor.

Drinking coffee is a part of my daily routine. Normally, I will have two cups daily. At one point, I was drinking two pots a day.

In a way, coffee is similar to truth. Some people take it straight. There is nothing added to distort it. Most people cannot handle the truth this way. We prefer to have others sweeten it a little bit before giving it to us. We do not like to have that bitter taste.

Some people want the truth watered down so that it does not even resemble what it is supposed to be. They prefer to believe a lie. Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. It may reveal our shortcomings.  No one likes to hear that he or she is not perfect. Others take the truth and learn from it. They make adjustments.

Recently someone told me I am not mean, but that I am just honest. I like the truth. Sometimes, I do not deliver it in a sweet enough way. I can learn from this truth. Maybe I can sweeten my delivery. I think I receive truth pretty well, but you have to prove to me that I am wrong. This has happened, and I made adjustments.

People misquote the Bible sometimes saying, “The truth will set you free.” This is only partially true. The actual quote is, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. In order for the truth to set you free, you need to know it first.  

Do not be afraid to hear the truth. Search for it. Learn from it. Be honest with others but give it to them in a way that it benefits them. Not everyone likes it straight.