Monday, December 25, 2017

When December 25TH Doesn’t Feel Like Christmas

I do not know when it happened. Maybe it was a gradual change. Today is December 25th, but it sure does not seem like Christmas. It seems like very few days with this particular date feel like Christmas anymore.  

I am certain my work schedule over the last few years has something to do with it. I have worked on either Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or a day close enough that would hinder the family from getting together. I am not complaining about my job or jobs the last few years. I am thankful to have them. I just cannot wait until next year when I should have an opportunity to spend the day with at least part of my family. 

We have already exchanged gifts. Some were given in November, and some were given out last night. With the way things felt this season, wrapping the gifts was not even important. Some were even given to the recipient right out of the box in which they were delivered.

It is not that we did not try to get in the spirit of Christmas. We decorated the inside of the house leaving the outside undone this year. Some Christmas shows were watched, though mostly alone. We went to see a pathetic light display that screamed, “Why did I waste my gas to come to see this.” Of course, we also drank eggnog on several occasions. 

There will be no Christmas meal at my house this year. At least it will not include turkey, cranberry sauce, or any other traditional course. We will not be together to enjoy a meal. I did not see one candy cane at my house unless someone brought them, and I did not see them. 

I have heard it said many times that Christmas is about family. Well, then today, December 25, does not seem to be Christmas. However, we did celebrate Christmas with part of the family in November and with some others a couple of nights ago. I love spending time with my family. 

Tradition says Christmas is to be celebrated on December 25th. That does not always work for me. Christmas is a time of giving. It is a time to be with family. It is a time to celebrate the birth of my Savior. These things should not only be done on December 25th. They should continue throughout the year. 

There are many opportunities to give. Some gifts can be wrapped and given for no reason other than “because.” Other gifts cannot be wrapped. They may be an ear to hear, a shoulder to cry on, or even just a visit.

We do not need holidays, weddings, or funerals to be with family. We should try to get together just because we love each other. Play a game of horseshoes, take a ride to the beach, or get together for dinner or a cup of coffee. We do not need excuses to be a family.

Celebrating the birth of Jesus should be a regular event. We do not even know the exact day that he was born. We can celebrate life with Him all year long. He came to connect us to the Father. We are in the family of God. Spend time with him. Be in his presence.  

December 25th does not feel like Christmas today, but every day can be Christmas Day.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Page-Turner, It Is Not

First, there will be no Star Wars: The Last Jedi spoilers in this post. 

Yesterday, I had the privilege of spending time at the movies with my wife. As we watched the newest sequel, a short dialogue piqued my interest. There was a discussion about the sacred Jedi texts. The scene revealed that Luke never really read them, though they were readily available to him. Someone tells Luke that the texts are not exactly page-turners.

This reminds me of many things. I remember sitting through many safety meetings at work. They can be duller than watching grass grow. However, if someone pays attention to the instruction and puts it into practice, they can save themselves from pain or even death. 

Some teachers and professors may have the same effect as taking ZZZQuil. They will put you to sleep faster than any sleep aid on the market. They may have great material to teach, but the excitement level leaves you wondering if the subject is even relevant. We often wish to learn on the job, but gaining understanding before a task arises gives us a better chance at success. 

Even when you think of the Bible, there are some exciting parts. Many seem to have their favorite parts and read them repeatedly. I love to read Genesis, Joshua, and Judges. The narratives tell a story that reveals Godly truths. Others prefer reading Psalms or Proverbs, while others prefer the Gospels or the Prophets. I have yet to hear anyone say he or she enjoyed reading all of the genealogies. To be honest, I think reading the books of Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy is sleep-worthy material.

That does not mean that there is nothing of value in there. Every part of the scriptures has a purpose. Some parts seem to interest us more than others. We tend to focus on what brings us enjoyment rather than what needs to be learned. This leaves us unbalanced or with just a part of the truth.

Some people read the entire Bible in a year. It is their goal. While that is quite an accomplishment, I hope they got more out of it than just finishing it. If I finished it in just a year, I would not have time to meditate on it.  I hope they learned something and put it into practice.

Some people never read the Bible but try to quote it to prove their position. This is mostly done out of context causing their whole argument to be invalid. When you only see one portion of the Bible and not how it relates to the whole, you miss truths. It is then easy to twist its true meaning. That is dangerous.

I am grateful that we have access to the Bible. We can read it when we want. The choice is up to us. I suggest we read the whole thing. If you struggle with “the boring parts” read part of that and finish with something that excites you. Try to learn from everything that is in there. Many of the religious leaders in Jesus’ day were reprimanded due to their lack of knowledge of the scriptures. I wonder if that is because they only read their favorite parts, or did they just not seek to truly understand what they read?

Reading the Bible is important. Learning from it and living it is more important. 


Monday, December 4, 2017

Where Can You Go For Help?

I think about some of the problems we face. I am not speaking about irritations like not having a 4G signal, running out of hot water, or waiting in long lines to get a cup of coffee.  We have real problems. 

At some point in our lives, we all face discouragement. Things do not always go according to plan. Setbacks happen everywhere you turn. You cannot find the right job. The right person for you to be in a relationship with seems to be hiding. Maybe you watch the news or an election and lose all hope for the future of humankind.

Fear is another big issue. Sure, there are many irrational fears such as the fear of heights, spiders, or birds. (That last one in mine.) However, there are some real fears. The fear of pain, being lonely, and losing your job is terrifying for some people. 

Lack of opportunity seems to be a big problem. Some people do not have the necessary skills to find a job that will allow them to be self-sufficient. Education costs have skyrocketed making it difficult to make yourself more attractive to good-paying jobs.

Healthcare is a tremendous issue. There are so many health issues. If you are sick, there may not be a cure. If there is a cure, the high cost of prescriptions and insurance make it nearly impossible for some to afford it.   

Safety is another big problem. People worry about personal safety with murder rates, robberies, and rapes being reported by the news every night. We want to be able to go outside without putting ourselves in harm’s way. We want our children and grandchildren to have a safe place to play. 

So where do we turn for help? Psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors can be helpful. However, many of them disagree with each other’s solutions. They may help give you a way to voice your problems. However, can they replace your despair with joy? 

Some government agencies or banks can help finance your education, but the rules change so often it is almost impossible to keep up. If you do get the education, to whom do you turn for a job? Agencies help occasionally, but by the time you finish your degree technology has replaced those jobs to some extent. 

Doctors and hospitals can help with many medical issues, but there are too many diseases with no known cure. 

We should ask God for a miracle, but God does not believe in miracles. I know that sounds unbelievable, but it is the truth. People would argue that God healed the sick, raised the dead, and even parted the Red Sea so he must believe in miracles. However, he does not believe in them. He simply performs them. 

A miracle is defined as a wonder, a marvel, and a mystery. The problems we face require a miracle for us, but for God healing someone with cancer is as simple as us tying our shoes. We face impossible situations all the time. With people, these things are impossible, but with God, all things are possible. God does not provide for our needs and wonder how he did it. He is not amazed at his accomplishments. He simply does them because, as our Father, he loves us. He responds to our faith when we ask. Our problem may be a lack of faith. If so, ask him to help you believe. He will help you with that, as well.

To whom do I turn for help when God does not believe in miracles? I go to God because he performs them anyway.