Monday, March 6, 2017


For the last twenty years, I have seen my weight fluctuate quite a bit. This is not surprising since I love food. Some people eat because they need to survive. I eat food for my enjoyment.

A doctor once asked me how a person could possibly gain that much weight in such a short amount of time. (I found a new doctor.) Another doctor once called my weight loss an anomaly asking how I could possibly lose that much weight so quickly.

I have read about many diet plans. I examined the pros and cons about most of them. I have scanned many articles about what worked for others in their search for a better, healthier body. I have even looked at the benefits of diet pills.

What I discovered was far from a mind-blowing discovery. Everyone said the same thing but in a different way. It all came down to eating less unhealthy foods, eating more healthy foods, and move a lot more. It is not rocket-science.

I laughed when I read the directions on the side of the diet pill bottle at the store. It said that the product is effective in aiding weight loss with a proper diet and exercise. Why take a pill if I still have to do the other things needed to lose weight?

I can lose weight. That is not the issue. My problem is I like to eat what I like to eat. What I like to eat makes me regain the weight I lost.

When I lose the weight, people ask me how I lost it. What plan did I use? I used the same thing everyone else does, but it only works if I am motivated.

Motivation is the key. I wanted to lose 30 pounds for my son's wedding, I did. Another time, I lost 30 pounds so my wife would no longer hear my heartbeat when sitting near me. I lost 40 pounds to avoid needing medicines the doctor prescribed.

Motivation can help accomplish great things, not just in weight loss. Everyone has things that make him or her respond. Most people know what changes they need to make to help them be successful in making the change. Even knowing how to make the change is useless if you are whatever endeavors they face. We need to go from knowing what to change to not motivated to continue.

Find out what motivates you. Providing for and watching your family grow up may be a motivation. Staying off or getting off medicines may be a motivation.

Motivations are not the same for everything. Wanting to get off medicine will never help me do my best at my job. I must have another reason. I am motivated to be friendly. There is a motivation behind everything I do successfully.

If you want to be successful, find out what will truly motivate you. Having a legitimate reason behind your goals will help you stay on the path to accomplishment.

You may need to make the same changes as someone else, but only you can determine what will get you to do it.

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