Several days ago, an old church song came to mind. I cannot remember how long it has been since I last heard it. It just stuck in my mind and at least daily, comes back to me. The song lyrics are “Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me. Mold me. Fill me. Use me”
Those lyrics are a prayer that most of us should probably pray. Whether you are a believer in God or not, these words can still apply to us.
Overall, I like who I am. Sometimes this is a problem. When we like ourselves, we do not always see the things that hold us back in life. We do not always see the hatred, jealousy, selfish ambitions, and strife that often cause us problems. We see them in others, but not in ourselves, because we tend not to look at the weaknesses we have allowed to become a part of who we are. We need to rid ourselves of the things that hold us back. Melt away the imperfections as fire melts away impurities. No one likes seeing himself or herself as they really are. Very few people like change when it comes to searching our hearts, minds, and attitudes. Letting go of bad ideas, regrets, and offenses is not easy. Change is not always fun, but in order to succeed in life, we cannot stay where we are. We must get better.
Once we have moved past the melting process, we need to move on to the next phase. Become molded into something useful. Do not fall back into the trap of letting the ugly parts of your previous condition form again. We need to transform into something that is pleasing and acceptable. We need to renew our minds. We often claim to be open-minded, but often fall short of that when people disagree with us. Stop seeing others as less important. Start thinking about things that are actually true. Think about things that are positive and pure. Let us stop looking for things about which to complain and start finding things to praise. There is still so much good in the world. We need to start focusing on those things more often.
Being an empty vessel does not serve a purpose. Removing the useless stuff in our lives requires a refilling. An empty container does not stay empty forever. An unfilled container will eventually get dust and spider webs or worse. Do not refill your hearts and minds with the same bad stuff. Be filled with love. We say we love others but we often demonstrate the opposite. Love others as you love yourself. Put joy into your life. Step back and smell the flowers. Receive peace. Allow kindness and goodness to become a part of who you are. Temperance is also something we need to add. Without it, we lose our way.
We are here for a purpose. We may not realize what our purpose is, but it is not to sit around doing nothing. We need to be useful. We need to start rejoicing with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep. Help those that need help. Encourage those that need encouragement. Teach what you know. Show mercy. Help others rather than waiting for others to help you. Bless others even if they try to harm you. Associate with people that are not exactly like you. Think of others, regardless of who they are, to be important. Be a participator in people’s lives but not busybodies. Listen before speaking. There is a world that needs help, so find out what you can do to help.
I truly want the Spirit of the living God to fall upon me. I want to have God’s personality, love, and strength. That only comes when you allow him to melt, mold, fill and use you. We often try to become self-made people, but no one is entirely self-made. Someone helped us get to where we are. I would rather have God get me to where he wants me to be.