Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Life of Bull

Yesterday, I watched the animated movie, Ferdinand. The movie is about a bull named unsurprisingly after the title of the movie.

In this movie, all of the bulls have one goal in mind, to be the greatest fighter so they can go to the arena and defeat the bullfighters. That is, except Ferdinand. He would rather smell the flowers than fight. He is mocked about being different and is constantly reminded by the other bulls that the only thing he should want is to be a great fighter.  

A lot happens and eventually, Ferdinand finds out that no bull ever wins. He tries to warn all of the other bulls that they need to run. Valiente, the toughest and bravest bull of the herd, forces a fight with Ferdinand and has a horn broken off. Because of his broken horn, Valiente ends up at the slaughterhouse. 

When Ferdinand tries to help the stubborn Valiente escape, the following conversation takes place. 

V: Don't you get it? Look at me! I'm already done.

F: Oh, sure. That makes total sense. You're either a fighter or you're meat, right? 

V: That's right. 

F: It doesn't have to be that way. You're more than just a set of horns

You're either a fighter

or you're meat, right?

That's right.

It doesn't

have to be that way.

You're more than just

a set of horns.


You're either a fighter

or you're meat, right?

That's right.

It doesn't

have to be that way.

You're more than just

a set of horns.


Don't you get it? Look at me!

I'm already done.

Oh, sure.

That makes total sense.

You're either a fighter

or you're meat, right?

That's right.

It doesn't

have to be that way.

You're more than just

a set of horns.


Don't you get it? Look at me!

I'm already done.

Oh, sure.

That makes total sense.

You're either a fighter

or you're meat, right?

That's right.

It doesn't

have to be that way.

You're more than just

a set of horns. 

Valiente believed a bull with a broken horn has no destiny other than to fight or become meat because that is what bulls do. His identity was in his horns.

We need to realize that we are not only what we appear to be. Society may tell you what you should be, but only you know who you are. Appearance, ancestry, society, or the location of origin should dictate your destiny. Do not let others tell you what you are. 

People are complicated. They may look tough on the outside but may be very tender-hearted. Appearances can be deceptive. As the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover." There is more than meets the eye. 

Don't get caught in the trap of believing what others think about you. Learn to be you. Some people have trouble being themselves out of fear that they won't be accepted. People often choose to do things that they would naturally not do just because they want to be accepted. Don't accept anything less than being what you are. 

I am a Christian, though others would hardly call me religious. I choose to live the life that God has given me. I do not want to follow others because they seem more spiritual. Neither should you. 

Just be yourself. Do not accept a false destiny because it is what you were taught. Be the real you.  

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