Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Harmful and Helpful

There are some things in this world that are necessary like wind, water, and fire. There are also things that are very destructive like wind, water, and fire. Each of these things on their own is neither good nor bad, but how they are used can make a huge difference.

Wind helps supply clean energy to some places and helps cool us down. However, it can be very dangerous with tornados and hurricanes. Water helps to keep us hydrated and helps our crops grow. Houston, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge among many other places have seen homes, cars, and businesses flooded. Fire is used for warmth and cooking, but it can also kill and destroy miles of forests and homes. I prefer having these elements in moderation since I have experienced floods, hurricanes, and tornados firsthand.  

While there are many other things that can be both helpful and harmful, one stands out to me. The tongue is small. It seems harmless. Yet it has a way of bringing life and hope to a situation. It also has the power to tear down and destroy.

I come from a family where sarcasm and humor are practically a way of life. It is not meant to bring harm. It is used to bring levity into almost any situation. However, some people did not grow up the way I have. They do not find certain things funny. It took me years to realize that some people were offended by my jokes. (Believe it or not, it was mostly Christians who took offense.) Things that are said may seem harmless, but they can be received as a curse.

I have also learned over the years that you cannot stop someone from getting offended. That does not mean I should not try. There are things we can do to use our tongues properly. We should be kind when speaking to others. We need to learn to be nice to them. A gentle answer turns away wrath. It makes people feel better. Joseph B. Wirthlin (an American businessman) said, “Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years.”

We should speak only things that are helpful for encouraging others. An encouraging word can benefit them if they are willing to listen. Of course, by listening to them we learn why they need encouraging, and our words can be more valuable.  

Another way our tongue can be used to bless and not curse is to love people enough that we do not expose their shortcomings. Christians have a way of gossiping about others by saying, “please pray for so and so because…” They then use every sordid detail they know rather than cover the person in love. We are not to slander anyone.

I wish I could instantly master the way I use my tongue in conversation. I am a work in progress. I hope I have blessed more in my life than cursed. I can only give myself to the task of speaking life and hope into people’s lives. There are too many others that would rather curse than bless. Let us be the ones that bless the ones who curse us as well as blessing those who bless us. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Politics > Truth

Politics is greater than truth. There I said it. This may not be what everyone wants to hear or believe, but it is how seemingly everyone acts. I, for the record, do not believe this way. However, much of what I see people doing is ignoring the truth to get their political ideologies out there.

Many people claim to be open-minded. That is rarely the truth. Open-mindedness to most people is that they are open to their own ideas but closed to anyone else's opinion. I can assure you that everyone believes something that is not true. That includes me, though my wife will not believe that I truly mean it. 

It seems like everyone likes to argue and I am not an exception. No one really wins arguments. How many times has an argument about politics changed your opinion? I have changed my view on a few things, but not because of arguments. I changed them my looking at things from more than one side of the story. If someone were truly open-minded, we would not watch or read only things that agree with our point of view. 

As a Christian, I try to find the truth even when others ignore it. People seldom regard finding the truth as a good thing when that truth opposes their views. Not everyone wants to believe the truth. They prefer their original thoughts to be right. Why let the truth get in the way? This is America. You have the right to be wrong.

This brings me to another point. Many Christians seem to confuse their place in politics. They believe the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are equal to the Scriptures. They fight for their United States rights even if it opposes what God has spoken in the Bible. Last time I checked, this place is a temporary place for us. We think more about our rights here on earth instead of building treasure in heaven. We worry more about what the President or Congress are doing (or not doing) more than we concern ourselves with sharing the truth about Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to obey God rather than man, but we hold onto these man-made rights calling them God-given. Yes, I am an American. Yes, I am thankful for our freedoms and rights, but there is a difference between being a Christian and being an American.

I remember when Jesus was running for political office in Jerusalem. Wait a minute. That did not happen. In fact, I do not recall Jesus speaking about politics unless asked. The Bible is clear about what we should do politically. 

Romans 13:1-2 tell us we must obey those in the governing bodies. It does not differentiate what leaders we must obey. It does not say obey if you agree with them. This is hard for close-minded people. "If so and so invited me to the White House, I would not go." Chances of being invited are slim, but the attitude behind these sentiments is unbiblical. Yet even Christians will say these types of things. The Bible says, "1Peter 2:17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." Whether this president, the last one, or the next one, do you honor the president with your words and hearts. 

I Timothy 2:1-2 tell us to pray for our leaders so that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty.  Pray for our leaders, not criticize. It does not say pray that they die or become ineffective. Pray that they do the right things so we can be at peace. 

Politically speaking, I have my views and I do occasionally discuss them. I hope that my arguing days are over, but I truly doubt it. I just pray that politics never become more important to me than truth. 

Let the truth be greater than politics. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Missing Them

Nearly twenty and a half years ago, my mom passed away. After so much time has passed, you would think it would get easier. However, at 4:30 in the morning while driving to work, I began to weep with thoughts of how much I missed her still. It was an unexpected moment. Why now? I do not know. 

Most people believe their mom is the best. I am no exception. She is obviously a major part of why I am who I am today. My children never really got to know their grandma. She died when my youngest was just three years old. I believe they have missed something as a result. 

This past Christmas, I lost my dad and stepmom less than a month apart from each other. If you know me, you know a lot about my dad. My wife would see my dad and tell me she could see my future. Later she would tell me I have already become him. I may not be as great as my dad, but even now as my eyes began to water, I hope to at least let my grandkids see him through me. 

All four of my grandparents died. Three while I was an adult. I barely knew my dad's father. The three I knew well, had major influences in my life. I remember watching Lawrence Welk and soap operas, taking walks on the levees, eating breakfast at McDonald's. Each one holds different memories. Each one has a spot in my heart and mind that I hope never fades away. 

A friend's mom passed away recently and asked if the pain ever goes away. Maybe to some degree, but I do not think it does. There is always a part of those we lost inside of us. A hole that cannot be filled. We learn to live through it. Some memories may fade. We may focus on new things, but that spot is always reserved for our loved ones. 

Life is short. While we should not live in the past, the past obviously has an influence on us. It shapes our thoughts, personalities, and behaviors. We learn from the people in our lives whether we realize it or not. 

I believe that my heavenly Father created me. I want his characteristics and personality to be a major influence in my life. I want to love how he loves. I want to show mercy and grace the way he does. I want to be there for the hurting people. I do not want to treat people who disagree with me any differently than those I love the most. I want to be kind. I want to forgive. These things are not always easy to do.

I hope the world sees God when they look at me. I also hope they do not see my flaws as part of who he is. I get those all by myself. I want to be like him even more than my loved ones from the past have become a part of me. 

I will never forget those that have gone before me. I pray I do not forget about those that are with me now.